NN Group: NN Group reports 4Q17 and 2017 results


NN Group publiceert op haar website:

“4Q17 operating result of the ongoing business of EUR 345 million, full-year 2017 operating result of the ongoing business increased to EUR 1,586 million, up 29.3% from 2016.”

Lard Friese, CEO: ‘2017 was a memorable year for NN Group in which we successfully completed the acquisition of Delta Lloyd. We have started the integration in the Netherlands and Belgium creating a leading insurance and pension company, with attractive propositions in asset management and banking. We are making good progress. On 1 January 2018, the first legal mergers of business units were completed, with Delta Lloyd Bank merging into NN Bank, and Delta Lloyd Asset Management merging into NN Investment Partners. Most head-office departments have been integrated, we have started rationalising systems and portfolios, and products are being rebranded from Delta Lloyd to NN.’


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