Our platform

The Exelerating platform helps you to gain relevant insights into € 6,000 + billion of European institutional assets of pension funds and insurance companies.

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Personal dashboard

The Exelerating Dashboard shown on a Mac, Ipad and Iphone

The Exelerating platform can be used on all your devices. Use our custom personal dashboard to help you grow your institutional business.

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Create new leads

Icon of a piggy bank

Find financial institutions that invest in your asset class

Network Icon

Find out how you are connected to your prospects

Icon of the globe with magnifying glass

Find the mandates of your competitors

Icon of organisation with a person

Analyse the preference of consultants for specific asset managers

Our database

Decision Makers

Icon of decision makers

Look up the board, investment committee, consultants and more

Assets Allocations

Icon of decision makers

Find detailed asset allocation data of asset owners


Icon of decision makers

See which asset manager manages which mandate

Institutional parties

Icon of decision makers

Analyse pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers, consultants, fiduciary managers, administrators and more

Markets we cover

The Netherlands

Icon of decision makers

€ 2,000 bln covered


Icon of decision makers

€ 2,600 bln covered

United Kingdom

Icon of decision makers

£ 1,600 bln covered


Icon of decision makers

€ 2,600 bln covered


Icon of decision makers

€ 800 bln covered


Icon of decision makers

€ 35 bln covered

Multiple reports with cicle diagram and text

Profiles of institutional parties

Extensive profiles of European institutional parties. These profiles are updated weekly so you always up to date with the latest information.

Profiles of asset classes

Detailed overview of allocations, mandates and performance figures related to a specific asset class. Find out who invests in your asset class and who manages the mandate.


Developed market

Emerging market


Small cap


European equities

Global equities

Fixed Income

Corporate bonds and credits

Emerging market debt


Government bonds

High yield



Real Estate




Non listed



Hedge funds


Private credit

Private debt

Private equity

Data driven Alerts

News presentation with the crew filming and directing

Our data driven alerts keep you up to date with the most important developments in the market. Decide which institutional parties and decision makers you want to follow and receive alerts about the latest developments.

Multiple reports with cicle diagram and text

Create prospect connections

Connect your personal network to the Exelerating database and investigate how you are connected to your (new) prospects.

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People working together on a puzzle


Our service is more than just a tool. We work closely together with our clients to develop our platform in such a way that it helps them grow their business even better. Our clients have an important say in our development.

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