The best way to find prospects
Exelerating is a tool with seven core features
1/7 Profiles
Get detailed information about all entities

The profiles of pension funds and insurance companies consists of various components like governance, asset allocation, related service providers and asset managers. In this way users have all the essential information of an entity at hand.

2/7 Network Graphs
Find the right entrance

The institutional asset market is populated by many different organizations. To gain and maintain insight in this constant changing environment Exelerating has developed the Network Graphs. With the interactive network graphs users can find (in)direct connections to any person or entity in the market. The network graphs show how you and your team is connected to prospects.
3/7 Asset Classes
View the institutional market of your asset class

With the asset class module users can see which institutional entities invest in which asset class. The module displays the size, in absolute and relative terms, as well as the evolution over time of the chosen asset class. In addition, it shows the performance of the asset class per entity. This makes analysis of trends and developments easily possible.

Get notified of important publications

SCOOP is a functionality based on machine learning techniques that searches the entire Exelerating textual database – annual reports, climate plans and online content of all asset owners. Users can search with keywords for a specific topic they consider important. These keywords can be tracked, which means that our software will check these terms weekly and once a week an email will be sent to your mailbox with the latest updates.
5/7 Alerts
News alerts based on your settings

Exelerating screens thousands of websites every day to find the most relevant information. Our alert service keeps you informed about the latest developments in the institutional market.
The European institutional investment market has countless organizations and thousands of employees. To stay informed about all transfers and personal changes in these organizations Exelerating provides a weekly update of these transfers.

6/7 ESG Module
Check environment social governance

‘The module makes it easy to quickly and efficiently access relevant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information. The module makes it easy to access quickly and efficiently relevant ESG information. With the ESG module, asset managers, pension providers and advisors always remain informed about the latest developments regarding the ESG efforts of pension funds.
7/7 Downloads & API
Get all raw data you need

In addition to using the platform, as a client of Exelerating it is also possible to have the data distributed in a different way. Users can download excel sheets with all data from a specific asset class or service provider. Besides that, an API (Application Programming Interface) can also be created. This software interface makes it possible for the Exelerating application and your company’s CRM system to communicate.

Grow your Institutional Business
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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1016 BP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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Btw: NL856234011B01