APK Gruppe: Encouraging investment results in 2023!

APK Pensionskasse AG was able to successfully close the year 2023 with an average investment result of +7.9% (OeKB, unaudited). APK Vorsorgekasse AG also impressed with an equally high result (+7.9%, unaudited) in the market comparison.

“After the difficult capital market year of 2022, we are particularly pleased to have benefited above average from the recovery in 2023. The market comparison with the Austrian market as a whole shows that uncertainty was high, especially at the beginning of the year, and that many investors were therefore only able to participate in the positive market development with reservations. With our special investment approach, we appeared to be more flexible than other market participants – as in most previous years,” said Manfred Brenner, member of the Board of Management.

Beate Wolf, member of the board: “It is time to finally enable more Austrians to have a supplementary company pension in Austria, because ultimately everyone benefits from it!”

The APK Pension Fund currently manages assets of approximately €7 billion for its customers. On average, beneficiaries received a monthly supplementary pension of €472.00 fourteen times in the previous year.


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