Valerie Hackl newly elected to the Supervisory Board of APK Pensionskasse AG

The shareholders (including OMV, VOEST, ÖBAG) of APK Pensionskasse AG elected Valerie Hackl to the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting on June 19, 2024. She succeeds Barbara Potisk-Eibensteiner, who resigned from her mandate. At the constitutive meeting, Valerie Hackl was elected Chairwoman, and Markus Potzinger will continue to serve as Deputy Chairwoman.

Valerie Hackl has many years of experience in various management positions, including as commercial managing director of Austro Control GmbH from 2019 to 2024 and previously as a member of the board of ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG. Since 2024, the business economist has also been on the supervisory board of STRABAG SE and at Kreditschutzverband 1870.


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