Election of the Board of Directors of the PKSF

pksf publishes on its website:

The uncertainty is over: the Commissioner approves an electoral regulation and opens the election procedure for the Board of Directors of the Pension Fund of the State of Fribourg.

In January 2024, the Council of State adopted the new Pension Fund Act (PKG), introducing a new appointment procedure for representatives on the PKSF Board of Directors and paving the way for the organization of elections. However, the sudden resignation of a majority of the employee representatives on the Board of Directors interrupted this process. As parity on the Board of Directors was no longer guaranteed, the body was no longer able to make decisions. Faced with this situation, the Bernese BVG and Foundations Supervisory Authority (BBSA) ordered the appointment of a commissioner – Mr. Lorenz Fivian. He took up his post on February 1, 2024 to temporarily replace the Board of Directors. Despite this situation, the Fund’s administration ensured its smooth operation and provided benefits to its insured members without any problems.

The Commissioner and the Supervisory Authority have approved a new electoral regulation and the Fund is today announcing the opening of the election procedure for the employee representatives on the Board of Directors. For the first time, the Fund’s insured persons can stand as representatives on the Board of Directors and/or vote directly for their representatives. As a reminder, the Board of Directors is made up of twelve members: six employer representatives appointed by the Council of State and six employee representatives elected from now on by the Fund’s insured persons.

These elections are important for restoring parity in the supreme body, ensuring a balanced representation of the categories of insured persons affiliated to the fund and ensuring the smooth operation and future viability of the fund.

The election procedure is explained on the new PKSF website ( www.cpef.ch/de/wahl ). Anyone insured with the fund can stand as a candidate, provided they do not hold a senior managerial position. Non-insured people can also take part in the election if they have a list of supporters. Interested parties can submit their application in one of the following five constituencies:

  • District I: Education (BKAD) – 2 representatives
  • District II: Health (GSD) – 1 representative
  • District III: Economy (VWBD, FIND, RIMU) – 1 representative
  • Circle IV: Institutions (SJSD, ILFD, judicial authorities, legislature, State Chancellery, Secretariat of the Grand Council) – 1 representative
  • Circle V: External institutions (employers affiliated to the PKSF excluding the state) – 1 representative

Nominations must be submitted by October 15, 2024 at the latest. The elections will take place from November 7 to 18, and the results will be announced on November 20. The elected Board members will take office on January 1, 2025.


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