GKB Investment Center with new management

There were personnel changes at the Investment Center of the Graubündner Kantonalbank (GKB) as of January 1, 2023. Gian Raffainer has taken over the management of the division, the new Chief Investment Officer (CIO) is Daniel Lüchinger.

Daniel Lüchinger (1978) has been with GKB since 2005. In the Investment Center he has previously worked as a portfolio manager, as a specialist in advisory investments and portfolio strategy and as head of the research and investment technology department. He studied business administration with a focus on bank assurance and IT/organization and completed further training as a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

In his function as CIO, Daniel Lüchinger is responsible for the investment process at GKB and is also responsible for analyzing the economic environment and its effects on the financial markets.

Gian Raffainer (1988) did his apprenticeship at GKB. He then gained professional experience at Swisscanto Funds Center Ltd. in London, as an investment controller at GKB and as an investment risk manager at Schroders Asset Management in Zurich. During this time he completed his studies in business administration (majoring in banking) and then his CFA training. At the beginning of 2021, Gian Raffainer returned to GKB as Head of Investment Controlling.

GKB ‘s Investment Center defines the bank’s investment strategy and ensures that the advisors have access to all relevant information about the financial markets at all times. The around 40-strong team also observes and analyzes the global financial markets, provides assessments of market developments, is responsible for smooth securities and foreign exchange trading and manages all of GKB’s fund and asset management products.


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