Helvetica focuses on targeted expertise for its funds and fills key positions

Helvetica’s management team is filling key positions in asset management, sales and finance with experienced specialists. As part of the overall strategy, the further development of Helvetica and the positioning of its funds on the market is to be ensured in the long term with in-depth expertise.

Helvetica’s management team is implementing further steps of the long-term strategic plan. The strategic expansion of staff brings proven experience and specific expertise to Helvetica: Dirk Adriaenssen is responsible for Asset Management, Mauro Golinelli for Investor Relations, particularly in French-speaking Switzerland, and Ruedi Voegeli for Finance, Controlling and Accounting.

Dirk Adriaenssen, Head Asset Management, joined Helvetica in April 2024. He has been in the real estate industry for over 25 years and has extensive knowledge of various asset classes such as retail, office and residential property. He has gained experience in various European markets, including ten years in Switzerland. Together with his team, he is responsible for the asset management and strategic management of all Helvetica investment vehicles’ properties. Prior to this, Dirk Adriaenssen supported the integration of Credit Suisse’s real estate into the UBS portfolio on an advisory basis and previously worked for the real estate asset manager Redevco for many years as Country Managing Director for Switzerland and Central Europe. In this position, he successfully managed commercial real estate portfolios with a focus on refurbishments and the achievement of ambitious sustainability targets. He holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Brussels, has completed various specialised courses in the real estate sector and is MRICS accredited.

Mauro Golinelli, Client Relationship Manager, is a proven real estate fund specialist and will take up his position at Helvetia on 1 June 2024. In addition to providing general customer support for all Helvetica investment vehicles, he will expand Helvetica’s investor presence in French-speaking Switzerland. Mauro Golinelli was Client Relationship Manager at the Swiss Finance & Property Group for over ten years. He has extensive experience in the sale of real estate investments and holds a degree in business economics IFKS and is a federally certified finance and investment expert.

Ruedi Voegeli, Head Finance, Controlling and Accounting, is an experienced financial expert and joined Helvetica in January 2024. Together with his team, he covers strategic and operational finance at both fund and company level. Prior to this, Ruedi Voegeli was CFO of PFS Pension Fund Services and previously worked for many years as CFO of Edelweiss Air. He is a business economist FH, a certified expert in accounting and controlling and prospective Swiss Fund Officer.


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