Luzerner Pensionskasse (LUPK): New management appointments

The Lucerne Pension Fund (LUPK) will have a new managing director. Acting managing director Reto Tarreghetta resigned from his position at the end of May after around six years.

The board regrets Reto Tarreghetta’s decision and would like to thank him for his excellent and very valuable work. He further developed the LUPK strategically and operationally in a targeted manner, professionalized it, made it sustainable and made a decisive contribution to the solid financing of the fund.

The recruitment process for new management has already been launched. For the transition period until the new appointment is made, Rolf Haufgartner, Head of Finance, will take over the management of LUPK on an interim basis. With his many years of experience and excellent specialist knowledge, he guarantees continuity and security in operational business until the management is replaced.


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