New Chief Financial Officer at GKB: Urs Widmer becomes CFO and member of the Executive Board

The Graubündner Kantonalbank (GKB) optimizes its structure and forms the additional unit “Finance & Risk”. From September 1, 2023, this will be managed by the newly elected CFO Urs Widmer, who will also be a member of the Executive Board. Andreas Lötscher, long-time CFO of GKB, will take part-retirement in September 2023 and will devote himself to other GKB-related tasks in the future.

Urs Widmer started his professional career in the consulting business. He then worked in various positions in the financial sector for over 20 years. During this time, Widmer also worked as CEO and member of the management board, among other things, and was therefore able to gain extensive management experience. He began his career at GKB in 2021 as Head of Product Management.

55-year-old Urs Widmer studied business administration at the University of Zurich and continued his education, including an INSEAD MBA. He also has various training courses in the areas of finance and digitization. “Urs Widmer brings the necessary skills and experience to position the bank in the current dynamic and competitive environment and to lead the Finance & Risk business unit,” says Bank President Peter Fanconi, pleased about the election. Urs Widmer will assume the role of CFO and member of the Executive Board on September 1, 2023. “I am very motivated to be able to contribute to the further development of GKB together with the successful and well-established teams and employees in the new Finance & Risk business unit”, says Widmer.

Andreas Lötscher has been CFO of GKB for over 20 years. In September 2023 he will go into partial retirement and will devote himself to other GKB-related tasks in the future. These include the mandates as Chairman of the Board of Directors of BZ Bank and Diventa AG. “We are very pleased that Andreas Lötscher is staying with us and that Graubündner Kantonalbank can continue to benefit from his expertise and many years of experience,” says CEO Daniel Fust.

From September 2023, GKB will consist of five business units:

Corporate Center (CEO Daniel Fust)
Markets (Pascal Pernet)
Market services (Dr. Martina Müller-Kamp)
Digital Banking & Services (Enrico Lardelli)
Finance & Risk (Urs Widmer)

By bundling the four areas of Finance & Controlling, Legal & Compliance, Asset & Liability Management and Risk Controlling under the leadership of Urs Widmer, GKB creates the conditions for continued sustainable business success.


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