Patrick Bonadei becomes the new head of pension provision

Patrick Bonadei will become head of pension provision and a member of the PUBLICA management team as of June 1, 2024. He is taking over the responsibilities of Doris Bianchi, who has headed the pensions department on an interim basis for a year. Patrick Bonadei is a BVG expert and currently works at the consulting firm Pittet Associates AG.

Patrick Bonadei completed a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Science in Statistics at the University of Bern and has several years of experience as a pension insurance expert. Among other things, he worked at the consulting firm AON Schweiz AG and at Swiss Life Pension Services AG. 38-year-old Patrick Bonadei is familiar with both strategic and regulatory issues. Doris Bianchi, Director of PUBLICA, says: “With Patrick Bonadei we were able to gain a proven expert in occupational pensions. I am looking forward to tackling the important and necessary changes in the second pillar together with Patrick and strengthening pension advice.”

After the start of Patrick Bonadei, Doris Bianchi will concentrate again on her duties as director of PUBLICA. There are important issues at PUBLICA and in the occupational pension industry: among other things, the underfunding of individual PUBLICA pension funds must be eliminated and the modernization of the pension offering as well as digitalization between the various players in social insurance must be pushed forward.


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