Pensionskasse Bühler AG Uzwil: Election of employee representatives on the board of trustees – the MAK voted!

At yesterday’s meeting, the Employee Committee (MAK) successfully elected the employee representatives on the Board of Trustees of Pensionskasse Bühler AG Uzwil (hereinafter PKB).

In total, well over 20 people applied for the five employee representatives on the PKB Board of Trustees. This is extremely gratifying and shows the keen interest of the insured in our pension fund. Elected directly in the first ballot for the next term of office (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027) are the following candidates (in alphabetical order):

  • Braun Claudia GFPB51 (new)
  • Hofer Rudolf MSWR71 (new)
  • Hosbak Jasmin HRIA (bisher)
  • Kraft Reto M2M2 (so far)
  • Tobler Fernando MSWR62 (so far)

We congratulate the five elected candidates and thank them for their willingness to take on this responsible task. They will assume or continue their role from January 1, 2024. Of course, thanks also go to all the applicants who made themselves available for this election.

A big thank you also goes to the two resigning board members, Bernhard Lehner and Karl Stadler. Both have not stood for re-election due to their age.


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