Meik Haas, Head of Finance and Services and member of the executive board of the réservesuisse cooperative, will represent the employers of the “affiliated organisations” pension fund of constituency III on the PUBLICA Board of Directors from 1 July 2023. The employers of the “affiliated organizations” pension fund elected him with a large majority. Meik Haas succeeds Hans Häfliger, who will become the delegate for the national economic supply in the federal administration on July 1, 2023 and will therefore no longer be available for the “affiliated organizations” pension fund. At the end of June 2023, Mahide Aslan, head of the “Women in the Army and Diversity” department, will resign from the Board of Directors as the employee representative of constituency I (federal administration).
SourcePensionskasse des Bundes PUBLICA: Affiliated organizations elect new KAKO member

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