Pensionskasse des Bundes PUBLICA: Kaspar Müller takes over as President of the Board of Directors

According to the rotation, the President of the PUBLICA Board of Directors changes halfway through the four-year term of office. Kaspar Müller, representative of the employers, will take over as President of the Board of Directors on July 1, 2023.

Kaspar Müller has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2016 and worked on the Audit Committee for four years. After the renewal elections in June 2021, he was elected Vice President. 59-year-old Kaspar Müller works as Deputy Secretary General at the Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC. Jorge Serra, previous President and employee representative, will become Vice-President of the Board of Directors. The PUBLICA Board of Directors consists of eight people who represent the employees and eight people who represent the employers. The Executive Committee is also composed on an equal footing: two people – one person per side – form the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.


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