Tom Osterwalder appointed CEO of Zurich Invest AG

Tom Osterwalder will take over as CEO of Zurich Invest Ltd (ZIAG) on October 1, 2023. The 54-year-old business economist has been working for Zurich for more than 20 years and has been instrumental in developing ZIAG into a major financial market participant in the Swiss asset management market.

Zurich has appointed Tom Osterwalder as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Zurich Invest Ltd, which is pending subject to FINMA approval. On October 1, he will replace Martin Gubler, who has been CEO of the company since 2006 and will continue to take over the management of the Zurich Investment Foundation.

«Due to his many years of experience at ZIAG, Tom Osterwalder knows the business, Zurich as a company and the current challenges very well. I am convinced that we have found the right person», says Martin Gubler. «With his entrepreneurial spirit, he will continue to develop the business, strengthen the market position and ensure continuity for our customers.»


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