Baden-Württemberg: Cup of honor from ABV for Winrich Kuhberg

Winrich Kuhberg, retired director of the Baden-Württemberg pension institution for doctors, dentists and veterinarians, was announced on November 20, 2020, together with three other distinguished personalities, by the chairman of the board of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufsestandischer pensioneinrichtungen e. V. (ABV), Rudolf Henke, honored with the bowl of honor of the Association of Professional Pension Institutions (ABV) for his long-term commitment to professional pension funds and their working group:

The professional pension funds honor Mr. Winrich Kuhberg, the former managing director of the Baden-Württemberg pension institution for doctors, dentists and veterinarians, who has been highly deserved for professional care for the liberal professions, as well as the long-standing chairman of their legal committee.

The professional pension funds for the liberal professions thank Mr. Winrich Kuhberg for his commitment in their cause and award him the honor dish donated by the ABV board on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the ABV (1998).


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