BWVA: Change in the management

Expert for institutional capital investment takes over the business: Dr. Stefan Klomfass becomes the new managing director

The Baden-Württemberg supply institution for doctors, dentists and veterinarians has a new managing director: On July 1st, 2022, Dr. Stefan Klomfass took over the business from the deputy managing director Claus Mietzner.

After a careful review process, a selection committee at the pension institution decided in favor of the qualified economist. Stefan Klomfass specializes in institutional investments. He brings extensive knowledge of capital investments across all asset classes from various management positions. In addition, he is familiar with the structures and special requirements of pension schemes. For example, he advised a pension scheme on all facets of capital investment. This included, among other things, the strategic orientation of the company, asset allocation, the selection of investment vehicles, asset managers and funds, direct portfolio management and advice on regulatory and accounting issues.

“In Stefan Klomfass we are gaining a managing director who brings with him the expertise that is tailored to the pension institution,” sums up the president of the pension institution, Dr. Eva Hemberger. “His competence and know-how are an important prerequisite for mastering the current and future economic challenges for the pension institution.”

Stefan Klomfass adds: “The Baden-Württemberg Pension Fund is the second-largest professional pension scheme with a long tradition and success story. I’m really looking forward to this new and challenging task”.


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