Change on the board of the pension fund of Wacker Chemie

A change is pending on the board of the Pensionskasse der Wacker Chemie VVaG. Effective July 1, 2022, Götz Neumann (63), CEO of the pension fund, and Daniela Böning (60), member of the board of the pension fund, will retire. At the same time, they will be succeeded by Frank Reinhardt (53) as CEO and Eva Appel (49) as a member of the Executive Board.

Christian Hartel, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the WACKER pension fund, thanked the two outgoing Executive Board members for their dedicated and successful work at today’s general meeting: “Both Daniela Böning and Götz Neumann can look back on many years of successful careers at the WACKER Group. Ms. Böning has been a member of the board of the pension fund since 2011 and Mr. Neumann since 2016. Especially in the past difficult years, the two of them have steered our pension fund through turbulent waters with a lot of commitment and expertise.”

Hartel wished the two new board members good luck for their tasks and emphasized: “Both bring profound experience in financial matters and in the areas of human resources and labor and social law to their new tasks.”

Frank Reinhardt

After training as a bank clerk, Frank Reinhardt studied business administration at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and held various positions at Deutsche Bank from 1990. In 2004, he joined the WACKER Group at what was then the subsidiary Siltronic. In the years that followed, he held various managerial positions in finance and controlling before taking over the management of the central finance and insurance department at Wacker Chemie AG in 2014.

Eva Apple

After studying law at the Universities of Passau, Augsburg and Turin, Eva Appel worked in law firms and companies from 2002 before joining Wacker Chemie AG in 2004. There she held various managerial positions in the company’s human resources department, most recently as a legal advisor within the central senior management department, where she was involved, among other things, in the development of executives and designed corresponding programs.


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