Management of BayernInvest Luxembourg SA completed: Bernhard Graf von Oberndorff strengthens the management

On December 1, 2021, Bernhard Graf von Oberndorff started as Managing Director at BayernInvest Luxembourg SA (BIL). He is responsible for the legal department as well as compliance and AML / KYC. The management team is now complete – subject to approval by the CSSF: Ralf Rosenbaum took up position as spokesman for the management and member of the BIL board of directors in September 2020. Philipp Plate was appointed to the management team at BIL in June 2021. In addition to his Munich responsibilities as Head of Risk and IT, he is responsible for Risk Management, Assessment and Outsourcing Controlling in Luxembourg. Melanie Fottner has been responsible for central administration in Luxembourg since January 2019, and she also heads the Internal Administration Services department in Munich.

Graf von Oberndorff is moving from LRI Invest SA, where he was head of the legal department, to BayernInvest. Before that, the 55-year-old fully qualified lawyer worked in various management positions at well-known addresses in the investment industry, including Zeidler Legal Services (Luxembourg) SA, RBC Investor Services Bank SA and Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services SA

“We are very happy to have Bernhard Graf von Oberndorff and his many years of expertise to further expand our presence at the Luxembourg location, which has grown significantly in recent months, and wish him a good start, “says Marjan Galun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BIL and Managing Director of the Master KVG business at BayernInvest in Munich.

Ralf Rosenbaum adds: “Bernhard Graf von Oberndorff is characterized by his large network and his experience with UCITS and alternative fund structures, AML and CTF obligations and as a member of numerous fund boards of directors. We look forward to working with you. “


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