New chairman of the supply association

The Chairman of the Administrative Council of the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Supply Association (KVBW) and the Administrative Committee of the Additional Pension Fund (ZVK), Roger Kehle, President of the Baden-Württemberg Municipal Assembly, Stuttgart, left the bodies at the end of the last term of office on December 4, 2020.
In its meeting on December 9, 2020, the Board of Directors elected the previous Deputy Chairman, District Administrator Gerhard Bauer, Schwäbisch Hall, as his successor for the current term of office; The new deputy chairman was Mayor Joachim Schuster, Neuenburg am Rhein.

The pension association and its affiliated supplementary pension fund look after around 33,000 civil servants and 23,000 pension recipients, over 150,000 employees eligible for subsidies, over 1.1 million insured persons and around 239,000 pensioners. In addition, the association takes on the billing for civil servants and employees.
The supply association is thus one of the largest institutions of its kind in Germany.


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