Pfälzische Pensionsanstalt: New Chairman of the Board of Directors from 06.09.2024

On August 12, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Pfälzische Pensionsanstalt (ppa) elected a new Chairman of the Board of Directors for the current legislative period until December 5, 2027. The election fell on the Mayor of the City of Germersheim, Mr. Marcus Schaile (CDU). Mr. Schaile has been a member of the ppa Board of Directors for many years and previously held the office of Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The new election was necessary because the previous incumbent, District Council Chairman Theo Wieder (CDU), must resign from his office on September 6, 2024, as he will no longer be a member of the future Palatinate District Council after the local elections on June 9, 2024 and thus his membership of the ppa Board of Directors will also end on the same day. He will be officially bid farewell at the Board of Directors’ winter meeting on December 2, 2024. However, since he can no longer carry out his official duties as of September 6, 2024, a successor had to be found at a special meeting on September 6, 2024.

Because the designated chairman of the board of directors, Schaile, had previously been elected as deputy, a new board member had to be elected for the deputy position. The choice fell on Mr. Paul Bomke , Managing Director of the Pfalzklinikum in Klingenmünster. Mr. Bomke has also been involved in the ppa board of directors for many years and is looking forward to the new responsibility of steering the fortunes of the ppa together with Marcus Schaile. He too will take up his post on September 6, 2024.

Since Marcus Schaile, as chairman of the board of directors, is also the natural chairman of all of the ppa committees, his designation as council chairman meant that the regular committee memberships he had previously held had to be re-elected. Mayor Natalie Bauernschmitt (CDU), City of Bad Dürkheim, was elected to the main and finance committee . Mayor Bernd Frey (SPD), VG Eisenberg, was elected to the building committee and Mayor Harald Westrich (SPD), VG Otterbach-Otterberg, was elected to represent him. This means that even after the departure of its long-standing and very committed chairman, the administrative board will have competent and equally committed new leadership for the upcoming major projects such as the general renovation of building A (new home of the DÜW health authority), the renovation of building B with conversion to a new work space concept and the realignment of the financial structure of the levy community to secure the pension entitlements of future generations of pensioners as well as the digitization and transformation of the entire administrative landscape. Great responsible tasks in the service of the Rhineland-Palatinate municipalities! The picture shows from left to right:


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