PPA: Newly elected board of directors begins work

PPA publishes on its website:

Theo Wieder and Marcus Schaile confirmed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman / Modernization of the ppa the main topic for the coming term of office

The constitutive meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pfälzische Pensionsanstalt ppa for the term of office until 2027 took place on February 16. Theo Wieder, CDU, district day chairman in the Palatinate district association, was re-elected chairman of the administrative board at the meeting, Marcus Schaile, CDU, mayor of the district town of Germersheim, is his deputy in the past and current term of office. With the election of a construction committee, the board of directors is preparing to accompany the comprehensive modernization of the ppa, about which director Diana Kreuter-Schmitt informed the board of directors.

Theo Wieder and Marcus Schaile were unanimously elected Chairman of the ppa Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and thus confirmed in office. They thanked the other members for the trust they had placed in them.

Agenda until 2027: modernization of the ppa

Central topics of the Board of Directors in the current legislative period are the modernization of the ppa and the further development of the profile as a modern service provider and employer. During the event, ppa director Diana Kreuter-Schmitt reported on ppa’s overall strategy and the agenda for the coming years derived from it. She presented ppa’s newly defined corporate culture and reported on the other strategic goals: safeguarding and further development of the service areas, realignment of the personnel strategy, transformation of ppa to digital administration and measures for the efficient and legally compliant use of resources.

Construction committee accompanies modernization measures

Numerous construction measures are planned in connection with the further development and modernization. At the suggestion of the administration, a construction committee was elected within the board of directors, which can make award decisions outside of the regular meetings. In addition to the Chairman of the Board of Directors as a natural member, Mayor Christoph Glogger, SPD (Bad Dürkheim) and Mayor Marcus Schaile, CDU (Germersheim) as well as Deputy District Administrator Clemens Körner, CDU (Ludwigshafen) and Mayor Bernd Frey, SPD (Eisenberg) became members. elected to the building committee.

New election of the main and finance committee as well as a statute committee

As in the previous session, a main and finance committee was set up for the current legislature, which prepares resolutions for the Board of Directors and drafts resolutions, particularly on issues with financial and business policy implications. In addition to the Chairman of the Administrative Board, Mayor Marcus Schaile, CDU (Germersheim), Paul Bomke, Managing Director of the Pfalzklinikum Klingenmünster, Mayor Bernd Frey, SPD (Eisenberg) and District Administrator Hans-Ulrich Ihlenfeld, CDU (Bad Dürkheim) were elected as members and as deputies Lord Mayor Dr. Klaus Weichel, SPD (Kaiserslautern) and after his departure this summer Mayor Stephan Veth, CDU (Dannstadt-Schauernheim), Kai Landes, Chairman of the Board of Sparkasse Kaiserslautern,

In addition, the Board of Directors will set up a Statutes Committee for the legislative period, which will work with the administration to develop the necessary amendments to the ppa Statutes for the final decision. Here, too, Theo Wieder is a born member as chairman. Mayor Martin Hebich, CDU (Frankenthal), Mayor Harald Westrich, SPD (Otterberg) and Deputy Mayor Christoph Glogger, SPD (Bad Dürkheim) and Mayor Stephan Veth, CDU (Dannstadt-Schauernheim) were also elected.

ppa develops emergency management for power failures

Director Kreuter-Schmitt informed the members of the board of directors about the ongoing development of ppa’s emergency management system in the event of medium- and long-term local power failures. This is necessary after the district, as a result of a corresponding request, does not count the ppa as critical infrastructure and does not take it into account in the district’s emergency plan.


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