Reorganization of the board of the Bavarian Supply Chamber completed

Ulrich Böger, former deputy chairman of the board and board member for the professional pension system and company pension scheme, will retire at the end of September 2023. Dr. Christian Ebersperger will be his successor as board member on October 1, 2023, in addition to his previous work as division manager of eight care facilities. Stefan Müller, who has been a board member for the municipal utilities department since 2020, will take over the position of deputy chairman of the board.

On September 28, 2023, around 220 invited guests gathered in the Hubertus Hall at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich for a celebratory ceremony: After more than eight years as deputy chairman of the board and member of the board of the Bavarian Supply Chamber (BVK), Ulrich Böger was retired. He started as a division manager at the BVK in 2013, after previously working as a government vice-president in the government of Upper Bavaria. Two years later, Ulrich Böger became deputy chairman of the board and board member for the professional pension system and company pension scheme. During his term of office he played a key role in shaping the success of the BVK: He implemented a modified financing system with higher risk-bearing capacity for the professional pension funds, with the help of which the benefits for members and insured persons remain attractive and secure even in increasingly volatile times. Ulrich Böger has also made his area’s additional pension facilities future-proof by introducing new, adjusted tariffs and slimmed down the administrative structure.

Ulrich Böger’s successor as board member for the professional pension system and company pension scheme will be Dr. Christian Ebersperger, who comes from the Bavarian state administration. Since August 1, 2022, he has been the division manager of eight BVK care facilities: the Bavarian Pharmacists’ Supply, the Bavarian Architects’ Supply, the Bavarian Engineering Supply-Construction with psychotherapist supply, the Bavarian Lawyers’ and Tax Consultants’ Supply, the German Stages’ Supply Institute, and the German Cultural Orchestras’ Supply Institute , the pension fund for authorized district chimney sweeps and the pension fund for journeymen chimney sweeps with a pension fund for the chimney sweep trade. Dr. During his career, Christian Ebersperger worked as a judge and state attorney in all instances of administrative justice and also completed many responsible positions in the Bavarian ministerial administration. Most recently, he headed the rescue and legal supervision department for the Bavarian Red Cross in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration. Dr. Christian Ebersperger would like to further expand the strategic approach in the core business of pension provision as well as in the BVK as a whole. Most recently, he headed the rescue and legal supervision department for the Bavarian Red Cross in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration. Dr. Christian Ebersperger would like to further expand the strategic approach in the core business of pension provision as well as in the BVK as a whole. Most recently, he headed the rescue and legal supervision department for the Bavarian Red Cross in the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration. Dr. Christian Ebersperger would like to further expand the strategic approach in the core business of pension provision as well as in the BVK as a whole.

Ulrich Böger will also hand over the deputy chairmanship of the board on October 1, 2023 to Stefan Müller, who has been a board member for the municipal utilities department since 2020 and will take on his new position in addition to his current position. Stefan Müller began working at BVK in 1998 and worked in various areas, giving him extensive knowledge of BVK’s twelve pension facilities. In 2012 he initially took part in the 23rd course for administrative management at the Bavarian State Chancellery and in 2013 he moved to the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, where, among other things, he was deputy head of the minister’s office. In 2016 he returned to BVK. Stefan Müller emphasizes, that the network of supply facilities is an invaluable advantage for everyone involved. In addition, customer orientation and digitalization are of particular concern to him.

In his speech, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann thanked Ulrich Böger for his commitment and achievements: “During your work, the pension chamber has asserted itself as a key player in the area of ​​pension provision.” Thanks to his decisions and those of his board colleagues, the professional pension institutions have developed very positively . Joachim Herrmann said of Ulrich Böger’s successor Stefan Müller: “I know and appreciate your work and am therefore pleased that the Bavarian cabinet has also followed my suggestion to appoint you as deputy chairman of the board.” Joachim Herrmann commented on the appointment of Dr. Christian Ebersperger with the words: “I am pleased that you, with many years of administrative experience, are represented on the management board of the Supply Chamber. “For the last ten years of his career, Dr. Christian Ebersperger headed the “Rescue Services” department at the Ministry of the Interior and made a lot of progress during this time.

Axel Uttenreuther, Chairman of the Board of the Bavarian Supply Chamber, emphasized in his speech that Ulrich Böger has had a decisive influence on the BVK and can look with pride at the successful development that the BVK has undergone over the last ten years, thanks in part to his commitment. And he is convinced that Dr. Christian Ebersperger and Stefan Müller will contribute to the BVK’s continued success with their new tasks: “Even if your predecessor leaves behind big footprints, we can look to the future with full confidence with you as your successor.”

The new line-up on the BVK board is now complete, with Axel Uttenreuther becoming the new chairman of the BVK board and Christine Draws becoming a board member for the Bavarian medical care and IT department on June 1, 2023. André Heimrich has held the position of board member for the capital investments department since 2013.


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