WTW appoints Tim Voetmann as head of pension fund consulting

Pension funds are faced with interest rate pressure and numerous new regulatory requirements. WTW continues to expand pension fund advice.

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, March 14, 2022 – While the interest rate pressure on pension funds continues to intensify due to the persistent long-term low interest rate environment, uncertainties due to inflation concerns and regulatory requirements are increasing. In order to support pension funds in coping with these tasks, WTW is expanding its range of advice in this area. Tim Voetmann was appointed head of pension fund consulting. From June 1, 2022, the actuary will succeed Rafael Krönung, who is leaving the company.

“As a leading consultant, we are thus further strengthening our position in the pension fund market, which is strategically important for us,” says Dr. Thomas Jasper, Head of Retirement Western Europe at WTW. “In an environment in which pension funds have a growing need for advice and support due to persistently low interest rates, the consequences of the Corona crisis and increasing regulatory requirements, we are sending a clear signal that WTW is available as a partner and expert for pension funds. “

High need for advice from pension funds due to new regulatory requirements

With regard to risk assessment in particular, the regulatory framework has recently been tightened – pension funds are obliged to implement the corresponding regulations this year. Other new requirements for information and communication technology are already emerging. The disclosure obligations on sustainability issues and the mandatory entry in the transparency register have also been expanded.

“IORPs are already confronted with many challenges in day-to-day business – and the trend towards more regulation is continuing,” reports Jasper. “We are therefore pleased that Tim Voetmann, a colleague with many years of experience, is taking over the management of pension fund consulting. Not only does he have extensive, tried-and-tested expertise in the field of pension funds, but he has also provided significant impetus for the further development and optimization of the existing regulatory framework, for example in the implementation of fund-based pensions for pension funds and the development of pure defined contributions,” says Jasper . Voetmann is also responsible actuary for pension funds as well as for the pension funds of E.ON and Bosch.

Pension fund consulting at WTW is currently still managed by Rafael Krönung, who will leave the company in the summer. He had been responsible for managing it since the end of 2019. “Rafael Krönung has very successfully expanded the pension fund consultancy and left a lasting mark on it. We thank him for that,” says Jasper.

Vita Tim Voetmann

Tim Voetmann can look back on around 20 years of professional experience in company pension schemes. The 47-year-old actuary joined what was then Dr. dr Heissmann GmbH (one of the predecessor companies of WTW) and has many years of experience as a project manager for large actuarial mandates. His focus is on advice on the valuation and accounting of pension obligations according to German and international standards, the further development and optimization of business processes and the reorganization of pension schemes. Voetmann is the responsible actuary for a number of pension funds and well-known pension funds. As a member of the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung eV (DAV), he worked in the working group “Pure contribution commitment”. Voetmann completed his studies in business mathematics at the University of Trier with a diploma.

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WTW (NASDAQ: WTW) provides data-driven, evidence-based solutions in people, risk and capital. We leverage the global perspective and local expertise of our people in 140 countries and markets to help companies sharpen their strategy, improve organizational resilience, motivate their people and maximize their performance. In close cooperation with our customers, we uncover opportunities for sustainable success and offer perspectives that help you advance.


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