Agni new to the central board of Lífsverk

The results of the electronic elections for board seats were presented at Lífsverk’s general meeting yesterday.

At Lífsverk’s general meeting yesterday, Elísabet Árnadóttir, in the fund’s election committee, presented the results of electronic elections for two board seats. Margrét Arnardóttir was the only female candidate and was therefore self-elected, while Agni Ásgeirsson, Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson and Þorbergur Steinn Leifsson applied for a man’s board seat. The results were that Agni Ásgeirsson won 46% of the votes, Þorbergur 27% and Bergur Ebbi 26%. Agni is therefore duly elected to the main board of Lífsverk for the next 3 years. A total of 466 or about 14% of active fund members voted.

The new board has divided tasks and the roles are unchanged, Eva Hlín Dereksdóttir is the chairman of the board and Agnar Kofoed-Hansen is the vice chairman. Co-directors are Agni Ásgeirsson, Georg Lúðvíksson and Margrét Arnardóttir.

In the audit committee, Jóhann Þór Jóhannsson and Thomas Möller were re-elected, as well as Margrétar Arnardóttir, who is nominated by the board.

Halla Guðrún Jónsdóttir was re-elected to the deputy board and Þorbergur Steinn Leifsson, who has switched seats with Agna Ásgeirsson. In addition to them, Gnýr Guðmundsson and Ragnheiður I. Þórarinsdóttir are deputies on the board.

At the meeting, Eva Hlín Dereksdóttir presented the board’s report, Jón L. Árnason, managing director, reviewed the 2022 financial statements, Bjarni Guðmundsson, actuary, reviewed the actuarial position and Guðrún Inga Ingólfsdóttir, director of asset management, reviewed investment strategy. Bylaw amendments were proposed, all of which were approved. The main changes are on the one hand the conditions for admission to the fund, which will now be open to everyone who has completed university studies or are studying at a recognized university, and on the other hand new age-based eligibility tables, which aim to ensure that the premiums paid meet the obligations of each cohort. Amendments to the articles of association are now awaiting confirmation by the Ministry of Finance and Economy.


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