AkademikerPension: Even more billions for green investments

AkademikerPension publishes: ‘Our Board of Directors has just decided that by the year 2030 we will almost double our target compared to the 2030 target we have today.

Prior to the board meeting, our 2030 target was for at least 12 percent of our portfolio to be climate-friendly. But now it sounds like 22.5 percent – almost a doubling. In 2030, this will mean that we will have green investments worth almost DKK 50 billion.

“It is really an ambitious goal that we present here. But if we are to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, all companies – large and small – will have to have ambitious goals. And our goal hopefully also sends a signal that companies should have serious climate goals if we are to invest in them, ”says CEO, Jens Munch Holst. ‘


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