AMF: AMF Aktiefond North America internationally recognized as the best US fund

AMF publishes on its website:

AMF Aktiefond North America has been awarded several prizes as the best fund in the category Equity US – shares USA – at the LSEG Lipper Fund Awards. The prizes are awarded to funds with high long-term risk-adjusted returns relative to other funds in the same category over 3, 5 and 10 years respectively. AMF Aktiefond North America won the awards for all time periods.

– We are very proud that our North America fund has performed so well for such a long time, and it is of course nice that it is also being recognized internationally. The award is further confirmation that AMF’s foreign administration is top class and that we have a competent team working with the fund. We are proud to be able to offer a fund that, in addition to giving good returns, also has a low fee, says Tomas Flodén, CEO of AMF Fonder.

AMF Aktiefond North America has outperformed its comparison index – MSCI USA NR – in 1, 3, 5 and 10 year terms. The fund is actively managed and has an annual management fee of 0.40 percent.

About LSEG Lipper Fund Awards

The LSEG Lipper Fund Awards, granted annually, highlight funds and fund companies that have excelled in delivering consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. The LSEG Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is an objective, quantitative, risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. The fund with the highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the LSEG Lipper Fund Award. For more information, see Although LSEG Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data used to calculate the awards, their accuracy is not guaranteed.


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