AP Pension hires a new board member

28 June 2024

With effect from 1 October 2024, AP Pension expands the executive board to four people. It happens when Pia Werner Alexandersen joins as a new member of the executive board with responsibility for IT and business development as well as processes and data. Among other things, she will be at the forefront of digitization and system support in both AP Pension and near pension.

Pia Werner Alexandersen, who is 51 years old, has a Master of Science in Economics. and has more than 25 years of experience from the financial sector within wealth, investment and pensions. She currently comes from Nykredit, where she has been employed for more than 13 years, most recently as deputy director.

CEO of AP Pension, Bo Normann Rasmussen, is looking forward to welcoming the new board member.

– We are at the start of a new strategy period and are, among other things, in the middle of replacing our technological platform and digitizing our customer journey. Pia has extensive experience in running major cross-cutting integration projects and transformations from her current position at Nykredit, and I am convinced that she will be a valuable contribution to bring AP Pension safely through the changes. Me and my two colleagues in the executive board are looking forward to welcoming Pia.

Pia Werner Alexandersen is looking forward to starting at AP Pension.

– I am incredibly happy to have been given this opportunity, and I am looking forward to taking part in the exciting development that AP Pension is in the middle of. I already have a good insight into AP Pension through my board position in near-pension, and I am looking forward to the collaboration with my new colleagues and the board. Not least, I look forward to helping to implement the new strategy and drive the technological development and digitization to the delight of both customers, business partners and employees.

From 1 October 2024, the management of AP Pension will consist of Bo Normann Rasmussen, Janni Bové Schou, Thomas Møller and Pia Werner Alexandersen.

Source: AP Pension
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