AP Pension hires a new director for close pension

Pauline Holm Karlsson will be the new woman at the helm of near-pension, responsible for AP Pension’s cooperation with a number of Danish banks.

AP Pension has hired a new senior director for its subsidiary near pension, after Ellen Dalsgaard Zdravkovic chose to resign from her position earlier this year. The choice has fallen on Pauline Holm Karlsson, who has many years of experience in the pension sector and comes from a position as IT development manager at Forca.

Pauline Holm Karlsson will start in the new position on 1 August 2024, and CEO of AP Pension, Bo Normann Rasmussen is convinced that they have found the right candidate.

– Pauline has extensive prior knowledge of the industry from her previous employments, and at the same time she has a great and very valuable insight into and understanding of the use of technological solutions in close working relationships. It is central in the role of director in near retirement, where the close cooperation with both financial institutions and data centers is absolutely crucial, says Bo Normann Rasmussen.

Employees must be able to achieve their full potential

Pauline Holm Karlsson is used to making customer needs, technology and commitment come together into a higher unity and is looking forward to meeting the many new colleagues and working relationships in near-retirement after the summer holidays.

– I am looking forward to walking through the door in near-retirement and getting to meet the many new people I will be working with. I see it as my noblest task to ensure that near-pension also delivers the most possible value to the financial institutions and their customers in the future. We only achieve this through a strong and trusting collaboration.

As a manager, I am very concerned with integrity, trust and purpose, and I attach great importance to clear communication of goals and expectations to ensure that everyone is involved and working in the same direction, says the future director.


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