Appointments to Merimieseläkekassa (MEK) on 1-1-2021

As of January 1, 2021, Marina Paulaharju has been appointed Director with responsibility for customer relationships , which includes pension and insurance operations, HRM, well-being at work, rehabilitation, responsibility and communications. Marina will continue as a member of the Seamen’s Pension Fund’s management team.

Marina has worked at the Seamen’s Pension Fund since 1996 in various positions, most recently as head of the pension and administration line. His extensive and long experience in the pension fund is conducive to bringing perspective in directing operations together towards the future. Over the years, Marina’s expertise has also accumulated through several different trainings and studies.

Päivi Särkiniemi (M.Sc. (Econ.), EMBA) has been appointed Director with responsibility for Finance and Administration. Päivi will start at the Seamen’s Pension Fund on 11 January 2021 , and he will become a member of the Seamen’s Pension Fund’s management team.

Päivi has previously worked e.g. In Porast, Kesko and Kesko Pension Fund. He has worked e.g. in the position of Finance and Development Manager and has participated in several working groups of the Pension Fund Association. In addition, he has been a legal representative in several pension funds.

The experience brought by the day is important e.g. from the perspective of ever-increasing reporting requirements, which require expertise in finance, investment and information systems. We are also prepared for future retirements and to ensure adequate deputy arrangements.

I am very pleased with our management team and am looking forward to history in common. We place particular emphasis on responsibility, which is especially evident in caring for customers in these challenging times. In addition, my own focus areas are managing the Seafarers’ Pension Fund, investing and taking care of the well-being of our personnel, says Jari Puhakka, who will start as President and CEO at the beginning of 2021.


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