BankInvest will launch a new model for alternative investments for LD Fonde

LD Fonde has chosen to take new paths to invest in alternatives. BankInvest will be the manager that will invest up to DKK 2 billion. DKK in alternatives via listed investment companies.

LD Fonde has chosen BankInvest as manager of listed alternatives. It has been a wish that LD Fonde’s members share in the long-term return potential of alternative investments and achieve a better spread of risk for our equity investments. BankInvest must now help to carry out that task.

Kristoffer Fabricius Birch, co-CIO and head of portfolio management at LD Fonde, says:

“We were pleasantly surprised by how many offers we received of extremely high quality. BankInvest proved to offer the best solution in terms of quality and price. We are very much looking forward to developing the new investment model together with their highly qualified team.”

Listed alternatives are a focus area for BankInvest’s management. In addition, BankInvest has an investment process based on a quantitative and factor-based approach that is in line with LD Fonde’s equity strategy.

“BankInvest has built an investment process and portfolio construction that provides a well-diversified portfolio and daily estimates of the price of the underlying unlisted investments. It is important for the selection of the right investments,” says Kristoffer Fabricius Birch.

As an investor, LD Fonde also gets access to attractive digital tools, where exposure and return divided by individual investments and asset classes can be followed on a daily basis.

At BankInvest, investment director Andrea Panzieri is looking forward to the upcoming cooperation on the management of alternatives.

“LD Fonde has chosen a modern approach to gain exposure to alternatives. LD Fonde gets a liquid portfolio with flexible portfolio management, a high degree of diversification and the opportunity to take advantage of distortions in the market,” says Andrea Panzieri.


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