Birta participates in co-operation between Nordic and British pension funds on investments in clean energy production

Birta lífeyrissjóður is one of thirteen Icelandic pension funds that intend to invest 4.5 billion US dollars (about 580 billion ISK) in projects related to clean energy and other environmentally friendly solutions until the year 2030. The funds have signed a declaration of intent to the international organization Climate The Investment Coalition (CIC), which was formally unveiled this morning at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland. The Icelandic pension funds are thus added to the group of Nordic pension funds that have issued similar statements in the last two years. With the declaration now, the Icelandic funds confirm thirteen wills to greatly increase their green investments and thus support the goal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

The funds will, among other things, look at projects that utilize geothermal energy, but the policy is also to support the increased use of other sustainable energy sources with the aim of promoting increased use of clean energy in transport and business activities.

CIC will monitor and measure whether participants in the project meet stated goals and publish their results annually.


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