Danish pension funds exclude more coal companies and energy-heavy companies

The exclusion list for Arkitekternes Pensionskasse, ISP Pension, Pensionskassen for Jordbrugsakademikere & Dyrlæger and Sampension Liv is significantly expanded to a total of 258 companies

The Sampension community, which consists of Arkitekternes Pensionskasse, ISP Pension, Pensionskassen for Jordbrugsakademikere & Dyrlæger and Sampension Liv has put 79 new companies on the exclusion list, so that it now counts a total of 258 companies.

Nine of the new companies on the list have been excluded due to the companies’ climate behavior and thus follow the 22 companies in the industries energy, supply, raw materials and transport, which were excluded this summer due to insufficient ability and willingness to enter into the transition towards a low-emission society. Precisely this shortcoming in the heavily emitting companies constitutes a climate-related financial risk in the portfolio that Sampension wishes to deal with.

“We have assessed that the companies are not sufficiently ready for transition to a less carbon-dependent world,” explains Jesper Nørgaard, Deputy Investment Director at Sampension.

During 2020, unacceptable climate behavior has thus led to approximately 40 exclusions.


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