Elo’s general meeting elected new members to the supervisory board

Elo’s annual general meeting was held on Monday, April 24, 2023. The general meeting approved the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements, decided on the use of the profit in accordance with the board’s proposal, and granted discharge of liability to the members of the supervisory board and the board of directors, as well as the CEO.

The number of members of the Supervisory Board was decided at 36 and new members were elected

for the term of office 2023–2024

• CEO Virpi Holmqvist (Attendo Oy)
• CEO, Chairman of the Board Antti Määttä (Cooperative Keskimaa)

for the term 2023–2026

• chairman Tommi Luukkonen (Construction Engineers and Architects RIA ry)
• CEO Mari Puoskari (Pilke daycare centers Oy)
• CEO Ville Rantala (PHM Group Oy)
• CEO Aku Vikström (Noho Partners Oyj)

Among the members who are resigning, Vesa Aallosvirta (SAK), Henrik Karvonen, Ismo Kokko (SAK), Tuomas Mäkipeska (EK), Mikael Pentikäinen, Terhi Penttilä (EK), Ville-Veikko Rantamaula (Akava) and Tommi Sova were re-elected for the next three-year term 2023–2026.

Elo’s supervisory board members from 24 April 2023

The general meeting decided to increase the annual remuneration of the chairman of the supervisory board to 7,000 euros, other remunerations remain unchanged. The members of the supervisory board are insured in accordance with § 8 of the Employee Pension Act, on the basis of which the TyEL payment is paid for the remuneration.

Remuneration of Elo’s institutions

The general meeting elected Ernst & Young Oy as auditor for the 2023 financial year. KHT Heikki Ilkka continues as the principal auditor.


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