Folksam and KPA Pension invest 400 million in green bonds in Region Skåne

Folksamgruppen is the sole investor of SEK 400 million in a green bond issued by Region Skåne to develop care and infrastructure in the region. KPA Pension accounts for the largest part.

– Region Skåne works in several ways to limit climate change, which we see as very positive. Investing pension money in regions means that we increase the opportunities for sustainable social development and contribute to a secure and good pension for everyone who works in municipalities and regions, says Camilla Larsson, CEO of KPA Pension.  

Region Skåne’s borrowing takes place against a pool of identified green investments. The bond is not intended for a specific object, but money is drawn to various projects as needed.

The new care building on the hospital grounds in Malmö is a good example of a project that is part of the pool. The building is approximately 108,000 square meters and is an upgrade for both patients and employees. Here, the care wards only have single rooms for the patients. For healthcare workers, for example, there will be new pipe mail systems that save working time, where samples and other things can be sent directly to the laboratory or other activities on the hospital grounds.  

– We are the pension company for employees and employers in municipalities and regions. If our investments in that sector can contribute to increased interest in welfare jobs, we have made great use of our customers’ pension money, says Camilla Larsson. 


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