Folksam Fondförsäkring includes TIN Ny Teknik in its fund offering

As of today, Folksam Fondförsäkring offers its customers the opportunity to invest in the fund TIN Ny Teknik. TIN Ny Teknik is an equity fund focusing on Nordic technology companies whose products and services have a high technology content and where the business is characterized by a high degree of research and development. The management fee for the fund is 1.50 percent.

– I am pleased that we can now offer TIN Ny Teknik as a new alternative among our various funds. We already offer our customers a well-thought-out selection of funds that give them opportunities to find sustainable savings that suit them. The fact that we are now supplementing with TIN Ny Teknik makes a very good range of funds even better, which is positive for us but not least for our customers, says Charlotta Carlberg, CEO of Folksam Fondförsäkring.

Folksam Fondförsäkring does not have its own funds, but instead offers its customers the opportunity to choose from a range of external funds that are carefully selected based on a number of different criteria. All funds that Folksam Fondförsäkring offers are one hundred percent sustainable based on Folksam’s own criteria.

– We at TIN are very happy that TIN Ny Teknik will now be available as the first technology fund with a Nordic focus at Folksam Fondförsäkring. As we try to find the future winners in technology, health and digital brands, we believe that TIN Ny Teknik is well suited for long-term savings for, for example, a future pension, says Carl Armfelt, Portfolio Manager at TIN Fonder.


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