Folksamgruppen invests 10 billion in mortgage funds

Folksamgruppen invests a total of SEK 10 billion in the mortgage funds Stabelo Bolånefond I and Hypoteket Bolånefond II with SEK 5 billion in each fund. The funds offer private individuals the opportunity to borrow money when buying homes.

– Stabelo and Hypoteket are two exciting new players in the mortgage market with a clear customer focus and a fully digitized business model, which is positive. Increased competition in the mortgage market benefits consumers and we are convinced that our investment will meet our expected return targets, says Marcus Blomberg, investment manager at Folksamgruppen.

The investment is distributed as follows: KPA Occupational pension insurance SEK 5 billion, Folksam Liv SEK 3.7 billion, Folksam Sak SEK 0.9 billion and Konsumentkooperationen’s pension foundation SEK 0.4 billion.

– We are grateful for the trust and look forward to continuing to improve the conditions for Swedish mortgage customers. Folksam’s investment is an important piece of the puzzle in that effort, says Hampus Brodén, CEO at Stabelo

– We are of course very happy that Folksam has shown us this trust. In addition to the fact that the investment as such contributes to a good risk-adjusted return for Folksamgruppen and its customers, it contributes to the development of a healthy and sustainable mortgage market, says Johan Hasselblad, responsible for capital acquisition at Hypoteket.


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