Folksamgruppen invests SEK 5.6 billion in a new infrastructure fund

Folksamgruppen invests SEK 5.6 billion in Copenhagen Infrastructure V, an infrastructure fund focused on the energy transition with a clear sustainability profile. The fund develops large-scale infrastructure in renewable energy and is dark green according to the EU’s classification system in Sustainable Finance (SFDR). The investments mainly take place in Western Europe, North America and the more developed part of Asia/Pacific.

– We invest with a successful and experienced manager who is one of the world’s largest global managers in renewable energy and who in all previous funds has exceeded the return targets. The investment contributes to increasing the expected return combined with a fully integrated sustainability focus through a clear focus on investments in the energy transition, such as the development of wind power assets on land and at sea, solar parks and energy storage and transmission, says Rebecka Elkert, head of alternative investments in Folksamgruppen.

– We are pleased to welcome the Folksam Group as a new major investor in our fifth flagship fund Copenhagen Infrastructure V, and are proud of the trust Folksam has shown in Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners as fund manager. Swedish institutions are an important part of our investor base and represent almost SEK 20 billion in commitments in our five fund strategies, says Jakob Baruël Poulsen, Managing Partner for Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

The total investment of SEK 5.6 billion is distributed as follows:

  • KPA Tjänstepensionsförsäkring SEK 3,840 million
  • Folksam Tjänstepension SEK 730 million
  • Folksam Liv SEK 510 million
  • Folksam Sak SEK 280 million
  • Konsumentkooperationens pensionsstiftelse SEK 280 million

Wedge & Partners has been Folksamgruppen’s adviser in connection with the investment.


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