Full year 2020: KPA Pension further strengthens its financial position

During the fourth quarter of 2020, the stock exchanges continued to recover and KPA Pension further strengthened its financial position.

– We are satisfied with the development during the very different year 2020 and that during a year characterized by large movements in the financial markets, we have been strong and continued to be able to give our customers good pensions, says Johan Sjöström acting CEO of KPA Pension.

The premium volume in KPA Pension continues to grow

Premium income for KPA Pensionsförsäkring amounted to SEK 17.4 billion, compared with SEK 17.3 billion in the corresponding period last year.

Solvency ratio and assets under management are increasing

Assets under management and the solvency ratio strengthened during the year. Assets under management in KPA Pensionsförsäkring amounted to SEK 223 billion at the end of the year, compared with SEK 203 billion in the corresponding period last year. The solvency ratio strengthened from the first quarter and amounted to 172 percent at the end of the year, compared with 171 percent the previous year.

Sustainability is reported quarterly for KPA Pension

KPA Pension reports KPA Pension’s own sustainability data quarterly since the second quarter of 2020. It covers carbon footprints for its own operations, carbon dioxide emissions from the equity portfolios and energy consumption in Folksamgruppen’s properties and is part of our work in the Net Alliance.

Both carbon dioxide emissions in the company’s own operations and the carbon footprint in the equity portfolio continue to decrease.


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