Georg Lúðvíksson new to the board of Lífsverk

At the Annual General Meeting of Lífsverk yesterday, Elísabet Árnadóttir, in the fund’s nomination committee, announced the results of the electronic election to the board. One board seat was elected this time and the candidates were Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson and Georg Lúðvíksson. Games went so well that Georg Lúðvíksson received 67% of the votes and he is therefore duly elected to the fund’s board for the next three years. 365 or about 12% of active fund members voted.

A new board has been divided and Eva Hlín Dereksdóttir will be the chairman of the board and Agnar Kofoed-Hansen the vice-chairman. Co-managers are Georg Lúðvíksson, Margrét Arnardóttir and Þorbergur Steinn Leifsson. The fund’s articles of association stipulate that elected members shall not serve on the board for more than nine years, and Björn Ágúst Björnsson will therefore resign from the board, as he has been chairman of the board since 2019.


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