Kristine Eilertsen leaves OPF

Kristine Eilertsen has chosen to resign from her position as director of Personal customers and will leave in 2024 after parental leave ends. Since she joined Oslo Pensjonsforsikring, Kristine has led the work to build the foundation both for the investment in the mortgage brand Kassa and for OPF to continue to deliver good customer experiences, also after the regulations for the new public service pension come into force.

– I have had the pleasure of working together with talented colleagues and employees during an important period for OPF. Together, we have built up two new departments, defined a new target image and laid out the strategy for OPF to deliver market-leading customer experiences within pensions. One of the most exciting things was the work to develop and launch Kassa as a challenger in the mortgage market. This feels like a natural time to pass on the baton, says Kristine.


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