PFA launches four new themed funds with a focus on sustainability

Customers in PFA can now invest their pension savings targeting biodiversity, circular economy, sustainable water supply or equality and gender diversity. This happens because PFA offers four new thematic impact funds through the Dutch manager Robeco, which is among the leaders in investments with a focus on sustainability and the UN’s 17 World Goals.

From now on, PFA’s customers can put extra pressure on the development within specially selected sustainability areas via their pension savings.

PFA offers four new thematic funds on its investment platform, Du Investerer. The funds invest in companies that excel specifically in biodiversity, circular economy, sustainable water supply or equality and gender diversity.

“The investments in our broad pension solutions PFA Plus and PFA Klima Plus are already screened based on a wide range of social, environmental and climate criteria, but customers who want a special focus on themes such as biodiversity and equality now have the opportunity to target their investments,” says Rasmus Bessing, CO-CIO and head of ESG investments at PFA, adding:

“Our society is changing rapidly, and we find that many customers want to invest in the sustainable transition. It can be both because they want to make a positive difference with their savings, or because they believe that social responsibility and good returns will increasingly go hand-in-hand. Therefore, it is obvious for us to offer the new investment funds as a supplement to the investment opportunities we already offer our 1.3 million. customers.”

3 out of 4 funds in the highest sustainability category

The three funds on biodiversity, circular economy and sustainable water supply, respectively, are all fully sustainable in relation to the EU’s Disclosure Regulation article 9. This is the EU’s highest category within sustainability, which characterizes investments that work to create positive changes for the environment and society. The fourth fund, which has gender diversity and equality as its theme, falls into the second highest category, Article 8, which characterizes investments that are partially sustainable.

All funds are actively managed, global equity funds that typically invest in up to 80 companies from various sectors within the funds’ thematic sustainability focus.

Leading manager within sustainable funds

PFA offers the four funds through the Dutch Robeco Institutional Asset Management, which is recognized for having a strong analytical and data-driven approach to sustainability and the integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions.

“Robeco is among the leaders in sustainable funds and is known for being one of the first asset managers in the world to develop a model that can measure the effect of the UN’s 17 Global Goals on investment portfolios. We chose Robeco because the company has extensive experience in creating sustainability funds with attractive returns,” says Rasmus Bessing.


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