PFA property investments for over 15 billion DKK are now sustainable according to the EU

117 Danish residential and commercial properties, owned by PFA, are now classified as sustainable investments in accordance with the EU taxonomy, which sets a number of requirements aimed at counteracting climate change as well as ensuring environmental protection and social conditions.

PFA can now put an EU sustainability stamp on its investments in Danish properties corresponding to a value of DKK 15.4 billion. DKK

This means that the properties live up to a number of high requirements within e.g. countering the effects of climate change, biodiversity and proper working conditions, which have been set out by the EU in the so-called taxonomy, which i.a. supports the objective that the EU must be CO2-neutral by 2050.

“It means a lot to us, as one of Denmark’s largest real estate investors, that we are at the forefront of the fight to make the real estate sector more sustainable. The property sector has a major impact on our climate, the environment and the people who build and operate the properties. The real estate sector accounts for up to a third of the CO2 emissions here in Denmark. Therefore, we are proud to be able to call a large part of our property portfolio sustainable in relation to the EU’s requirements for sustainable investments,” says Kasper A. Lorenzen, investment director at PFA, and adds:

“We firmly believe that sustainable investments in properties and returns go hand in hand, and we are increasingly experiencing that Danes and companies demand properties that meet high environmental and climate standards.”

Over several years, PFA’s property portfolio has undergone ongoing improvements with a focus on climate protection and sustainability, such as additional insulation, replacement of windows, recycling and installation of solar cells. The work to ensure that PFA’s properties live up to the taxonomy has been done in collaboration with the Council for Sustainable Building (RFBB), which has checked PFA’s documentation for each property in relation to the EU requirements.

“At the Council for Sustainable Construction, we have been very happy with the collaboration with PFA. We are experiencing great commitment from PFA in the work with new criteria and documentation requirements. I am pleased that PFA can present documentation that a number of their economic activities comply The EU taxonomy, which we at the Council for Sustainable Construction were subsequently able to verify,” says Annemarie Munk Riis, managing director at the Council for Sustainable Construction.


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