Re-election to the chairmanship of AkademikerPension

Re-election of the chairmanship and two new members. This is the status after the constitution of the board on Tuesday 2 January.

Janne Gleerup continues as front woman, while Tobias Bornakke was re-elected as deputy chairman.

“Just like two years ago, I am enormously proud of the trust that the other board members have shown in Tobias and me. AkademikerPension is in a good and exciting place, where we are in the process of rolling out our new pension product, Alfa, and our new responsible health scheme. Alfa gives the members a life cycle and many more choices regarding risk and insurance, while the health scheme offers the possibility of a wide range of physical and psychological treatments”, says Janne Gleerup and continues:

“At the same time, we have gained two new board members, whom I am looking forward to getting to know properly. On the board, we have a good collaborative culture, where I see all our differences as a huge strength”, she concludes.

The two new board members are Pia Risør Bjerre and Pernille Wahlgren, who were elected at the board election that ended on 12 December. At the election, Per Clausen was re-elected as a board member.


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