Salling Group and PFA enter into a new pension agreement with a focus on climate and health

After thorough and constructive negotiations, Salling Group enters into a new and improved pension and health agreement with PFA. With the new agreement, Salling Group gets a greener pension scheme and extended health insurance, which covers more employees and ensures better offers than before.

20,000 employees in Salling Group will get a new pension and health agreement on 1 July 2024. Salling Group and PFA will extend the collaboration for the next five years, where a new agreement will focus more on climate and health.

“At Salling Group, we work ambitiously and purposefully with both health and climate, which are the main priorities in our sustainability strategy. Therefore, these are also key points in our choice of PFA, which must ensure our employees a pension agreement with a greater focus on climate and improved health insurance,” says Louise Gade, Director of People, Culture & Sustainability at Salling Group.

The new agreement ensures a pension agreement with a green stamp as well as more and significantly better healthcare offers for even more employees in the Salling Group.

“We are proud that Salling Group continues to be part of PFA’s customer community. At PFA, we work purposefully to integrate sustainability and responsibility in the way we invest and run our business, and therefore we are pleased that Salling Group has emphasized this in the extension of the new agreement,” says Ole Krogh Petersen , CEO of PFA.

Pension with a stronger focus on climate

With the new agreement, new employees in the Salling Group automatically get the opportunity to invest 25 percent of their pension savings in climate initiatives. This applies to investments that contribute technology and industrial solutions to the green transition, as well as projects such as solar cell and offshore wind farms. Likewise, current employees can move their pension to the same climate profile that new employees are automatically enrolled in.

“When you place your pension savings in climate-oriented investments through PFA, the objective is that the shares must emit 60 percent less CO2 than the world stock index. And during this year, the entire product will be CO2-neutral measured on scope 1 and 2,” says Ole Krogh Petersen.

For the Salling Group, it has also been central that PFA joins the internationally recognized Science Based Target initiative, which helps companies set concrete and scientifically based targets for reducing CO2 emissions.

“For us, it has been important that PFA commits to the Science Based Targets initiative and sets both ambitious and realistic climate targets, just as we have done ourselves. As part of Salling Group’s climate ambition, we demand that our suppliers set targets for reducing their emissions, and therefore we are happy that this has become part of the agreement,” says Louise Gade.

PFA has joined the Science Based Targets initiative and has therefore begun work on setting climate reduction targets.

Extended health insurance

In addition to a greener pension agreement, Salling Group’s new agreement with PFA contains a significantly improved health agreement, which covers more employees than before. As something new, students will in future be covered by health insurance.

The employees’ health insurance has also been expanded so that it covers a longer range of health services, including a wider selection of online help such as a psychologist, coach, physiotherapist and family counselling, just as the agreement puts a great deal of focus on remedying the major societal problem of families waiting too long for help for a child in distress. Salling Group employees can from now on, as part of the agreement, get help through their health insurance to investigate a child in distress as well as family counseling to handle the situation. At the same time, the agreement ensures that Salling Group’s employees can get the right help quickly and efficiently.


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