Sampension: Rita Bundgaard to resign, Heidi Juhl Pedersen to join the board until elections in 2026

Sampension Livsforsikring A/S, Tuborg Havnevej 14, 2900 Hellerup (CVR no. 55 83 49 11) will hold an extraordinary meeting of the board of representatives by written consideration in accordance with § 7 of the articles of association, with a deadline for responses on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Selection of conductor
Election of a member to the board, cf. § 8 of the articles of association

Rita Bundgaard has resigned as chairman of OAO and HK/State, and the insured’s organizations entitled to negotiate therefore recommend that the new chairman of HK/State Heidi Juhl Pedersen join the board and be elected for the remaining term of office until ordinary elections in 2026, cf. the articles of association 8, as a new member of the board in place of Rita Bundgaard.


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