Sauli Hämäläinen new CIO Seafarers’ Pension Fund

As of 1 January 2022, Sauli Hämäläinen will step into his appointed role as CIO and member of the Executive Group, overseeing the investment activities and investment responsibility of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund.

Sauli has more than 20 years of diverse experience in investing and supervisory work. He is especially knowledgeable about listed shares, which hold a highly essential role in terms of investment returns. During 2021, Sauli has participated by commission agreement in the development of the Fund’s portfolio by focusing on domestic direct equity investments and the overall responsibility of the portfolio.

I have had the pleasure of working with Sauli on several occasions and I am convinced that his input will facilitate even better returns and advance the development of our responsibility strategy’, states Jari Puhakka, CEO.


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