Second quarter 2023: KPA Pension’s financial position is further strengthened

The premium income for KPA Tjänstepensionsförsäkring AB continued to increase during the second quarter of 2023 and during the first half of the year amounted to SEK 15,202 (13,977) million, which corresponds to an increase of just over 8 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2022. The solvency ratio amounted to 239 percent (229 percent ) and the total return to 4.9 percent during the period (-10.3 percent). During the years 2013–2022, the average total return amounted to 5.7 percent.

Camilla Larsson, CEO of KPA Pension, comments on the second quarter of 2023:

– I am particularly pleased that during the second quarter we have further strengthened our financial position, that premium income continues to increase from a high level and that the yield in the pre-selection product has improved. With that behind us, we continue our work to act long-term as a pension administrator so that those who work in municipalities and regions will receive a secure and good pension.

Important events in the second quarter of 2023

KPA Pension invested SEK 394 million in bonds to increase knowledge about road safety in developing countries •
KPA Pension was on site during the Almedal Week with a focus on occupational pensions and pension linked to sustainable social development.

Key figures for KPA Tjänstepensionsförsäkring AB, with the corresponding period of the previous year in brackets

  • Premium income increased to SEK 15,202 (13,977) million.
  • The total return increased to 4.9 (-10.3) percent.
  • Rate of return, defined premium insurance, amounted to 7.4 (-10.7) percent
  • Rate of return, defined benefit insurance, increased to 1.2 (-9.1) percent.
  • Management cost percentage, fixed premium amounted to 0.08 (0.08) percent
  • Managed capital increased to SEK 277,284 (246,673) million.
  • The solvency ratio amounted to 239 (229) percent.
  • Refers to yield rate during savings period (for insured persons aged 50 or younger).

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