Targeted climate bond investments AkademikerPension round a quarter of a billion

AkademikerPension publishes on its website:

When we buy government bonds, it is done to get a stable return. At the same time, the states that issue them get capital that they can spend on schools, hospitals, infrastructure or other public spending.

And although we as investors would like to be able to earmark our investments, this is not possible with government bonds.

This is the case, on the other hand, with the so-called green bonds and blue bonds – also called green and blue bonds.

Here, the country in question guarantees that the money from the issue will go to a specific climate-friendly project. This means that we, as investors, are sure that the money actually helps with the green transition, while at the same time that we get a good and stable return on the investment.

“Although we as investors would like to have a say in how states use the money from government bonds, it is up to the individual country what it wants to use the funds for. But with green and blue bonds it’s the complete opposite, which means a lot to us as a responsible investor”, says our investment director, Anders Schelde.

At the same time, there are built-in control mechanisms in the system, so that we as investors can be sure that the money actually goes to the projects for which the bonds have been issued.

DKK 250 million in green and blue bonds

Green and blue bonds do not take up much space in bond trading. Nevertheless, a recent calculation at AkademikerPension shows that, for example, we have invested five times as much in green bonds than what our benchmark is.

In fact, from the office in Gentofte, we have invested almost DKK 180 million in these bonds. And if we include blue bonds , which are targeted investments in the marine environment, we end up at over a quarter of a billion kroner.

“It is quite clear that our brand as a responsible, Scandinavian pension company means something when investors bid for shares in these bonds. We are simply allowed to buy larger portions than our size should really warrant”, explains Anders Schelde, who is extremely satisfied with the green bonds.

“We have a motto that states that return and responsibility must go hand in hand, and here we must state that this is indeed the case”, concludes Anders Schelde.


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