Varma invests EUR 50 million in BlackRock’s Corporate Bond ESG Paris Aligned Climate ETF

Varma has invested approximately EUR 50 million in the Corporate Bond ESG Paris Aligned Climate ETF launched by BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. The exchange-traded fund invests in euro-dominated corporate bonds and reduces GHG emissions in investments aligned with the Paris Agreement.

“Varma aims to have a carbon-neutral portfolio by 2035, and this investment is in line with our continued efforts to achieve this key sustainability target. The combination of both meeting Paris Aligned Benchmark regulatory standards and ESG integration make the ETF very interesting for our credit portfolio,” says Ann Brännback, Senior Portfolio Manager at Varma.

According to Brännback, Varma welcomes and wants to support the development and launch of exchange-traded funds that help investors align their portfolios with the objectives of the Paris Agreement – the international agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The fund is BlackRock’s first fixed income Paris Aligned Benchmark ETF.


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