BNP Paribas Asset Management adds to Consultant Relations team in UK

BNP Paribas Asset Management (‘BNPP AM’) announces two appointments within its Consultant Relations team. Simon Mooney joined as Head of Consultant Relations, UK on 20 June and Catherine Gill joined as Senior Consultant Relations Manager on 4 July. Both are London-based.

Simon is responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of relationships with key local consultants and selected global and specialist consultants, as well as working closely with Consultant Relations team members in Europe and the US to develop innovative solutions to meet client needs. He reports to Phil Dawes, Head of Distribution for UK & Ireland. Catherine reports to Simon and will work closely with him in managing relationships with key consultants in order to obtain ratings for BNPP AM’s flagship strategies.

Simon joins from State Street Global Advisors in London, where he spent seven years in the consultant relations team, most recently as Head of Consultant Relations for the UK. Prior to that he held sales and consultant relations roles at Insight Investment and F&C, as well as working within business development and as a consultant at specialist investment consultancy P-Solve Asset Solutions. During his 22 year investment industry career he has also held sell-side sales roles, having begun his career at a New York-based global consultancy business. Simon holds a B.A. (Hons) in Economics from Trinity College, Dublin.

Catherine joins from Newton Investment Management, where she spent seven years in international consultant relations and business development. Prior to that she held business development and consultant relations roles at Baring Asset Management, and sales and relationship management roles at Heptagon Capital and Thomson Financial. Catherine holds a BSc (Hons) in International Business & Modern Languages from Aston University.

Phil Dawes, Head of Distribution for UK & Ireland at BNPP AM, comments:

“I’m pleased to welcome Simon and Catherine, both of whom have considerable industry experience and strong track records in developing and maintaining relationships with local and global investment consultants. They will work closely with the rest of the UK, European and Global Consultant Relations teams in order to promote BNPP AM’s products and strategies, and will play a key role in maintaining and further developing our consultancy-led business, with a focus on promoting our ESG and private markets expertise.”


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